Monday, December 15, 2008

Merry Christmas

We are wanting to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We hope hope that the new year brings great things to you.

Steve's Theatrical Debut

Steve has taken a step out of his comfort zone and jumped into theater. A friend talked him into auditioning for a musical put on by "Off Square Theater", our year round theater company, and Steve made the cut. The musical is "Scrooge" and Steve plays multiple parts including the "Punch and Judy Man". He is having a ball doing it, though it has required a large time committment. Rehearsals were 3-5 hours nightly for almost a month before the show started. The show will run for 10 days in which there are 14 performances, not much time for family or rest. Rebecca has been kind in letting Steve do this, but has firmly stated that this is a one time deal.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Our Kindergartner

It is official. We have a school girl!!! Emma started kindergarten this month and is so excited to be in school. Everyday she comes home telling us all about the new best friend. She is a sponge and absorbs everything she is learning. We are proud of our schoolgirl and her willingness to jump in and learn.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Sports & Steve Don't Mix

For the second time in four months Steve was injured playing city league sports. He was first injured during the Championship Basketball game when he dislocated his shoulder. A small sacrifice to make for the team, we did win the game. Then in July he was playing soccer when an opponent kicked him instead of the ball. After receiving an MRI the next day he discovered that it was a fracture of the Tibial Plateau, the knee joint. Crutches and a brace for the next three much for summer activities! Rebecca says it is now time to retire from sports, maybe Steve can begin training for the Tour de France, you can't get hurt on a road bike.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Our New Arrival

After many months of talking and searching I found Rebecca the car of her dreams. It was really my Father's Day gift to her. The Toyota Sienna is a terrific upgrade from the Subaru Legacy and the girls are loving all the room they now have. It will also be nice to have the ability to carry all those canned peaches and boxes of pears back from Washington in August.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Kayli's Accident Filled Week

Kayli has had a rough week. It all started Thursday as they arrived at the library. Emma accidentally pushed Kayli as they walked in the doors and, bonk, she landed on her forehead. No blood, just a few tears. On Friday Rebecca and the girls walked to the post office to enjoy the sun. Once there Rebecca left the girls in the stroller as she ran the 20 feet to the post office box. In that short time the girls decided it would be better to stand up, and from there gravity took it toll. Emma was able to catch herself with her hands, but Kayli's face caught her. No major damage, just more tears.

Aunt Sally's Here

Favorite Aunt Sally has finally decided that a summer in Jackson would do her some good. After several attempts at getting her here she decided it was time to enjoy the beauty of Jackson. It will make our apartment a bit tighter but we will enjoy having her, especially two little girls!


Welcome to our blog. You would think that a computer geek like me would have jumped on this bandwagon years ago. I guess I am getting a bit slow in my old age. I hope that this will be a way to allow our friends and family to keep up with all our happenings. Our family is growing up quickly and there is always new adventures to report so check back often.